Friday 25 April 2008

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)

I have been learning for Microsoft Server 2003 exams 290 and 291 since before Christmas. I have been revising solid for the last month, all weekend and most nights until midnight! My eyes even went red! Anyway I passed both exams this month! I can now call myself a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA). The first exam I passed with 942/1000 the second I passed with 952/1000 the pass mark is 700. I'm having a break from learning now, I'm going to take a month off from learning, then I will start to think about the exams I need for Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). My wife has been very supportive, I haven't taken her shopping for weeks. I have to take her shopping on Saturday!


Unknown said...

Good for you! Gotta take her shopping to keep the marriage alive!!!

Dan Murphy said...

Dear Sirs,

If you'd be so kind as to offer a little direction, I'm currently looking to enhance my marketability. I'm looking to transition to the I T field & I've gotten various answers with regard to educational needs/certification. Is it likely to obtain employmant in the Milw. area with a Microsoft Certified Systems Adminstrator certification & if so what is a reasonable expectation for compensation.I'd appreciate any advise you could lend.


Daniel Murphy

Michael the PC Surgeon said...

I've taken CompTIA A+ and Network+ courses, but I found Microsoft courses more relevant, CompTIA are supposed to be OS independent, but most of the focus is on MS, I also found there was allot of latency learning, which I would never use in real life. Microsoft learning is more directed to actual live operating systems and you learn practical lessons which you can use day-to-day. My recommendation would be the Microsoft learning route.
Good luck