Wednesday 26 November 2008

Passed exam 70-294 Planning Active Directory

I passed the Microsoft 70-294 exam today (Planning a Server 2003 Active Directory). The pass mark is 700, I had 1000/1000! I am now a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)!

I think I'm going to take a break from exams and learning over Christmas, then choose what to do next, I'm must be a gluten for punishment.

Friday 31 October 2008

Passed exam 70-293 Planning Network

I passed the Microsoft 70-293 exam Wednesday (Planning a Server 2003 Network). The pass mark is 700, I had 904! A weekend of solid revising paid off! I need one more exam (70-294) to be a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)! I've been learning for exam 293 for over a month, exam 294 is booked for the end of November, so I have to keep going for another month.

Friday 25 April 2008

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)

I have been learning for Microsoft Server 2003 exams 290 and 291 since before Christmas. I have been revising solid for the last month, all weekend and most nights until midnight! My eyes even went red! Anyway I passed both exams this month! I can now call myself a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA). The first exam I passed with 942/1000 the second I passed with 952/1000 the pass mark is 700. I'm having a break from learning now, I'm going to take a month off from learning, then I will start to think about the exams I need for Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). My wife has been very supportive, I haven't taken her shopping for weeks. I have to take her shopping on Saturday!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Passed 291 Exam

I passed the Microsoft 70-291 exam yesterday (Server 2003 Networking). The pass mark is 700, I had 952! Many late nights have paid off! I am now a Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA). I've been learning for exams 290 & 291 since before Christmas, so I'm going to have a learning break for a month and then decide what to learn next.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Passed Microsoft 290 Exam

I passed the Microsoft 70-290 exam yesterday (Server 2003 Maintenance). The pass mark is 700, I had 944! Hours of hard work made worth while. I have to pass exam 70-291 Server 2003 networking, to get Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) certification. I'll have to revise hard for another two weeks for that exam. It feels like its never ending!

Monday 17 March 2008

Communities @ One Converence

Leighton Andrews AM, Deputy Minister for Regeneration, Welsh Assembly Government gave a speech at the Communities @ One conference in Cardiff last Friday, there was no news on extending our project, but money will got to communities @ One brokers to continue their work, lets hope we will get funding too.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

My Certificates Have Arrived

I worked very hard to pass three Microsoft Exams last November and December, the certificates have arrived! Bill Gates even signed them, OK maybe not personally, but I have two certificates (electronically) signed by the richest man in the world! Only 36,360 other people world wide have a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) Windows XP certificate. I'm learning to become Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) certified next......

Well Done to PC Surgery Volunteers

Last Friday all the DCN team and centre managers from each partner where at an important meeting about future finding, hopefully with the Lottery. While we were in out meeting Colin, Steve and Iwan ran the PC Surgery in Glynneath. Unlike last time, where I was able to support using Skype, I couldn't get Skype to work. The meeting was held at the Development Centre in Ammanford (above) it used to be a bank, and has thick brick walls, so I couldn't get Skype to work during the meeting, I spoke to them during a break, all was going well. When I arrived back in Glynneath, in the afternoon they had managed to help three clients, Iwan even had time to post!
Well done!

Thursday 24 January 2008

BTH elp N otifier.exe

One of the good things about PC Surgery is the rapore and fun you have with volunteers. The surgery is informal and humour is important. Today in DOVE Colin and Doug were helping a client with annoying error boxes appearing every time windows starts. Colin has previously run anti-virus and anti-spyware so the "programs" were still trying to start, but as they had been deleted so Windows could not find them. Colin was reading the error message and Doug was typing in to google search, Colin: capital B-T-H, lower case e-l-p, capital N, lower case o-t-i-f-e-r-dot-e-x-e, which was fine, but tickled me. When Doug has finished the google search, the program could have been spyware, which has been deleted. The recommendation was to goto the registry and delete the program from the run registry key, I couldn't resist asking Colin to Start>Run>type in regedit press enter, then say he could type in B-T-H-e-l-p-N-o-t-i-f-e-r-.-e-x-e or BT Help Notifier . Exe without spaces, as I've know Colin for over 18 months he got the funny side!

Thursday 17 January 2008

Flat out in DOVE

We had a busy PC surgery in DOVE today, 4 clients done in 1 hour! All satisfied clients! I even had time to encourage the volunteers to Blog, I thought I had better blog also. I even had time for a coffee, update the stats, 95 clients to date, all by 12 O'clock. Time for lunch.