Monday 9 February 2009

MCSE Certificate

After passing eight Microsoft exams I have finally achieved Microsoft recognition and become a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). Allot of hard work and many hours of revising will hopefully be worth it, at least I can prove, thought a certificate, I can do what I say I can do.

Monday 26 January 2009

Passed exam 70-297 Design Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure

I passed the Microsoft 70-297 exam last Wed (21-Jan), Design Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure. The pass mark is 700, I had 945/1000! I am now a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)!

I thought I had completed all the exams, for my MCSE, when I did my last one, but I missed the design exam, which I now have done. Microsoft have emailed me and confirmed I am a MCSE and I have ordered my certificate, hence the delay in this post, I wanted tom make sure this time before posting!

I'm thinking of what to do next, my job is funded until 31-March, so I have started to look for new jobs (unfortunately, as I like my current job), quite a few jobs are asking for SQL experience. I have installed SQL 2000 Server, but not used the reporting side, so I think I will get some books out of the library and have a look at that next.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Passed exam 70-294 Planning Active Directory

I passed the Microsoft 70-294 exam today (Planning a Server 2003 Active Directory). The pass mark is 700, I had 1000/1000! I am now a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)!

I think I'm going to take a break from exams and learning over Christmas, then choose what to do next, I'm must be a gluten for punishment.

Friday 31 October 2008

Passed exam 70-293 Planning Network

I passed the Microsoft 70-293 exam Wednesday (Planning a Server 2003 Network). The pass mark is 700, I had 904! A weekend of solid revising paid off! I need one more exam (70-294) to be a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)! I've been learning for exam 293 for over a month, exam 294 is booked for the end of November, so I have to keep going for another month.

Friday 25 April 2008

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)

I have been learning for Microsoft Server 2003 exams 290 and 291 since before Christmas. I have been revising solid for the last month, all weekend and most nights until midnight! My eyes even went red! Anyway I passed both exams this month! I can now call myself a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA). The first exam I passed with 942/1000 the second I passed with 952/1000 the pass mark is 700. I'm having a break from learning now, I'm going to take a month off from learning, then I will start to think about the exams I need for Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). My wife has been very supportive, I haven't taken her shopping for weeks. I have to take her shopping on Saturday!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Passed 291 Exam

I passed the Microsoft 70-291 exam yesterday (Server 2003 Networking). The pass mark is 700, I had 952! Many late nights have paid off! I am now a Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA). I've been learning for exams 290 & 291 since before Christmas, so I'm going to have a learning break for a month and then decide what to learn next.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Passed Microsoft 290 Exam

I passed the Microsoft 70-290 exam yesterday (Server 2003 Maintenance). The pass mark is 700, I had 944! Hours of hard work made worth while. I have to pass exam 70-291 Server 2003 networking, to get Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) certification. I'll have to revise hard for another two weeks for that exam. It feels like its never ending!